Need to sharpen your lactation support skills? In this 3-hour workshop you will learn how to support your clients in their lactation journeys from prenatal informational support to the first hours and weeks after baby is born. Learn critical skills and identify the time to refer someone with more complex lactation issues.
In this workshop you will learn:
Common reasons for and barriers to lactation and bodyfeeding
Benefits of lactation and human milk
Basic anatomy & physiology of mammary tissue and the infant, including milk ejection reflex and supply and demand
Infant’s contribution and readiness to feed (reflexes and feeding cues)
Latch-on, and how to identify effective suckling
Bodyfeeding positions & holds
The Lactation Team (partner, relatives, friends) and the importance of relationship building
Lactation in the first few days, including the first hour after birth and the role of the birth doula
Lactation in the early weeks, including how feedings evolve and the role of the postpartum doula
Early lactation and bodyfeeding challenges (engorgement, nipple soreness, milk supply) 30 minutes)
Most common challenges and the role of the doula
When to refer to a lactation professional
Taught by Owner and Doula Trainer Liz Hochman
This workshop counts towards your DONA required Lactation Education course if you’re on your path towards certification.
COST: $200
($50 discount for those registered in the DONA-Approved Training)